Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Decision

    Khari headed back with Faraji not long after Xena got back. The golden lioness was at the edge of the clearing, licking her wounds from the earlier fighting trial. The surrounding lions seemed tense as they cast glances over to her, flexing their muscles and stretching their claws. Soft roars resounded as cats yawned loudly, stretching their jaws and flashing their teeth. They weren't tired. This was a warning to the intruder.  The earlier rain had stopped and now the sun beat down harshly against the savannah.
     There was a break in the tension as the King came back with the Lord right behind him. Khari wasted no time, going to the center of the clearing and clawing his way up the short, thick tree that grew there. He roared loudly, his fangs flashing and his muscles tense as he did so, balancing precariously on a thick branch.  The lion took every opportunity to show off his strength and power. The lions and lionesses gather around him, looking hopefully as they waited to hear the verdict they knew was coming.
      "Xena will be staying with us as a new Elite of the pride. Her performance in fighting and hunting are exceptional and I trust she will be a loyal new addition to our group." His amber eyes rested on the pretty golden lioness softly and he pricked his ears to look more friendly than he had earlier during the trials. My first big decision as King. Im doing good. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Everyone Meet Xena

        "Everyone, meet Xena." Khari stood in the center of the group, the golden lioness next to him. He had led Xena back to the dens with Amara and her cubs, who had quickly dissolved into the grass as they got back. She didn't want to be there when he announced he had accepted the strange cat into the group. It was a decision that should have taken thinking but he had made in a second.
         Faraji padded forward, giving her a sniff. She was stiff, trying not to get on the defensive being in a group without protection or escape. Her bright amber eyes darted around, watching every cat carefully. "Hello." She said steadily. Sauda sat back with Leo, her tail tip twitching. Khari stood with his tail erect, prepared for a lion or lioness to say something about the new arrival that would undermine his authority. The rain continued to pour, thunder cracking every now and then. With the still tension of a new cat, each lion bared their teeth and flattened their ears with the rumbling noise and flashes of light.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Xena Warrior Princess (Haha had too..)

    "Sekai, Masika: Do you at all think its okay to be wandering away from the den!" It wasn't a question. Amara paced back and forth, her brown eyes flared with anger and worry. The russet colored fur along her shoulders rose and the lioness' long tail lashed. "And what's worse, playing by water!" The two cubs crouched in the wet grass, trying to hide. It was raining. In the storm they had been able to slip away and go to the watering hole. If Amara, their mother, hadn't been nearby to find them they would probably be alligator chow right now.
      "Mama, we're really sorry..." Sekai mewled, her blue eyes glistening as she tried to look her cutest. Masika just stayed quiet, leaning away from her sister. She would be mad for awhile that they got in trouble because of her. Amara looked at her cubs, stopping her frantic pacing. She gritted her teeth, sighing heavily with furrowed brows.
      "Let's go back to the den. We'll discuss your punishment later." Amara limped slightly as they headed back toward the brush where the nests were located. In saving her cubs, she had twisted her paw on the slick mud by the dark waters. The three had narrowly dodged the snapping jaws of a hungry alligator. As the mother walked along the paw trodden trails with her cubs the rain beat down heavily.
       It was a problem Amara didn't want to have when she saw the figure of a lioness ahead of them, creeping through the tall grass. She didn't recognize the scent of fur color of the bright golden cat, who stood out easily against the gray scene. Thunder cracked and Amara joined in with a powerful, deep chested roar. She had cubs to defend. Whoever this intruder was, they weren't going to get far.

The Journey Begins...

One family, one heart, one pride...The Evening Pride