Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Decision

    Khari headed back with Faraji not long after Xena got back. The golden lioness was at the edge of the clearing, licking her wounds from the earlier fighting trial. The surrounding lions seemed tense as they cast glances over to her, flexing their muscles and stretching their claws. Soft roars resounded as cats yawned loudly, stretching their jaws and flashing their teeth. They weren't tired. This was a warning to the intruder.  The earlier rain had stopped and now the sun beat down harshly against the savannah.
     There was a break in the tension as the King came back with the Lord right behind him. Khari wasted no time, going to the center of the clearing and clawing his way up the short, thick tree that grew there. He roared loudly, his fangs flashing and his muscles tense as he did so, balancing precariously on a thick branch.  The lion took every opportunity to show off his strength and power. The lions and lionesses gather around him, looking hopefully as they waited to hear the verdict they knew was coming.
      "Xena will be staying with us as a new Elite of the pride. Her performance in fighting and hunting are exceptional and I trust she will be a loyal new addition to our group." His amber eyes rested on the pretty golden lioness softly and he pricked his ears to look more friendly than he had earlier during the trials. My first big decision as King. Im doing good. 


  1. Faraji was set at the base of the tree, staring out at the pride as Khari announced his decision. The Lord let out a heavy sigh. The pride looked tense and panicked by the decision. He glanced at Khari, who was trying to appeal to Xena. The King didn't understand the impact of his decision, he wasn't listening to Faraji's concerns. The Lord shook his mane- Khari had to know what he was doing, he was King.

    Sauda flattened her ears. An elite?! Of all things, that potential spy was an elite?! She could lead patrols and boss others around. That was no place for a rogue! The dark golden lioness fled the camp, sprinting through the fields of golden grass. She had to get her stress out somehow.

    Imanu lowered his head once the decision was made. He looked at Cayman with sad eyes. "As we had expected what would happen. We have to discuss this with Khari immediately. I don't think he knows what wrong has been done."

  2. Xena was glad to be apart of the pride but hated the looks that burn through her fur. during the ceremony she caught Khari's gaze that twisted and turned into knots. The golden lioness found it hilarious that his mood can change from nice and smart to harsh and clouded. After the ceremony was over she didn't stay in camp long. She went to the river to calm her stomach. Even after leaving camp she didn't show her pain.

  3. Leo wasn't shocked at Khari's decision or happy about it. He saw the way his king set himself in front of Xena and didn't like it. It never crossed his mind that Xena may not be a spy or rouge, and he refused to take it as an option.

  4. Sauda had ran a fair distance before she started feeling fatigue. She slowed her pace once she spotted a river nearby. She was read for a relaxing drink. She tensed when she caught wind of a familiar scent. Xena. What was she doing out here? Plotting her attack on the pride? Sauda flattened her ears and started to retreat. The last lion she wanted to run into out here was Xena.

  5. Xena didn't smell the other lioness but heard some moment and quickly tuned to it, she crouched and began to stalk towards her pride mate still unaware of what it was.

  6. Sauda pricked her ears, alert. The scent was coming closer. There wasn't a wind. The other lioness began to retreat quietly, wanting no confrontation.

  7. Xena realized its was a pride member and backed off not wanting to fight, or talk. she went back to the river to get her well needed drink. if this is how everyone is gonna be to be i can show them true fear. im so over it... she thought to herself.

  8. Khari blinked his amber eyes with surprise at the reaction. Sauda left camp and Xena, while the rest of the lions cast uneasy glances. The young lion bound down from the branch, shaking out his pelt as if shaking off their scolding reaction. "Faraji, you and Leo can go and do a border patrol." He ordered his Lord, lashing his tail once.

    Amara was shocked by the news. She pulled her cubs in closer to her, flattening her ears and lashing her tail. It took her every bit of self control not to roar out the king right then and there. And how he looked at her! There's only one reason she's around! A mate for our arrogant king!

    Cayman nodded. "Ill get him." The brown lion limped over to the king, dwarfing the younger lions next to him. "King Khari, Imanu and i would like to speak with you. In private." His tone was serious and he tried his best to hide his pain as it throbbed through his leg.

    (In my head imanu's voice is like Gandalf Haha)

  9. Sauda slinked around for a while, resting before she ran back to camp. Though, she had to make herself useful and have a reason for going out. She averted her direction, heading to the hunting grounds. A herd of zebra took residence there. She crouched, watching the black and white beasts as she rested and prepared for a chase.

    Faraji nodded at Khari's order. He approached the white lion and nodded to him, "We were ordered to go on a border patrol. Let's set off immediately, that is, if you are ready."

    Imanu followed, his tail lashing as he weaved through the group. He stood next to Cayman, eyeing Khari down. "It's very important."

    (Haha, that's great. XD Cayman, to me, would probably be one of the dwarves!)

  10. Leo nodded getting getting up quickly. The only reason he really wanted to go was to see what Xena was doing. "Alright lets do this." He shook his white mane cleaning it from dirt. He began to walk out of camp.

  11. Khari narrowed his amber eyes at them curiously. He then nodded and padded out to some low growing trees where he normally slept. Under the shade he sat, letting his tail stretch out and took the moment of waiting for the elders to shake flies from his mane and muzzle. His claws flexed as he waited impatiently.

    Cayman shared a glance with Imanu. At least the King was willing to listen so far. The big brown lion hobbled along after Khari, wishing the young lion wouldn't walk so fast. Please let him listen to reason...

    Amara felt her cubs pushing against her to get out of the den. The russet red lioness lashed her tail in frustration. She realized that her and Kyri were the last two lionesses in camp and felt uneasy. What if Xena comes back to camp and attacks? She tensed, curling her lip in agitation. What was Khari thinking!?

  12. Xena came back to camp quietly she wanted to be productive but no one liked her in the pride so had no one to go with. She may as well try to get to know someone. The golden lioness walked over to Amara," hey you want to go hunting?" She asked with a cheerful purribg sound rumble from her chest.

  13. Faraji waited until the two males were a far distance from camp before he made any mention of the situation. "Forgive Khari," he said. "He is still young and he is letting his rash thoughts control him. One day he will mature. Until then, be on alert in case Xena does try anything."

    Imanu sat down, waiting patiently for his friend to catch up. Then he eyed Khari, and said, "We believe what you're doing is a bit rash. Xena is a rogue lion, or, well, was. She could be up to something. You should have waited before allowing her to join the pride. If not only for the pride's sake, but for yours."

    Sauda was exhausted after her hunt. She struggled with dragged the dead zebra back to camp. After a while, she laid down to rest. She fought the temptation to eat from the carcass. The King and Lord ate first, not the hunters.

  14. Leo shook his mane before he spoke,"maybe so. But what if he doesnt change. And still doesnt see Xena is a serious threat. Havent you seen the way he looks at her?" His voice deep and full of concern.

  15. Cayman nodded, panting a little. "Khari, you have to understand that your throne hangs in the balance. The decisions you make reflect your ability to lead and the pride is uncertain." He tried not to sound too scolding. "Your rash decision may affect your pride's support in you."

    Khari's ears flattened and his tail tip twitched. What were they saying? "You don't think Xena is a strong asset to the pride?" He snapped. "She's a skilled huntress and fighter! She's just one lioness, what harm can she do?" He eyed both lions with fierce amber eyes. "My pride should support me in whatever I think is right. Its a matter of loyalty! They follow me as they followed my father before me!"

    Amara was on her paws in front of the den, eyeing Xena with suspicion and concern. Her intent seemed innocent and she hadn't made an aggressive moves. Still, she smelt foreign and was still a rouge regardless of what Khari said. Maybe I can get to know her and find out if she's a threat. "We can hunt, but it must be short. My cubs can't be alone for long." Keeping her eyes on the golden lioness, she turned into the den to her cubs. "Masika, watch your sister and the both of you stay here in the den until I get back. Understand?"

    The cubs nodded, but a glint was in Sekai's eyes.

  16. "Great!" She said almost jumping on her front paws. The lioness turned and waited for the other stiffened lioness to walk up next to her.

  17. Amara jumped as the lioness reacted. "Right..." The russet red lioness gave a last warning glance at her cubs before walking with Xena. She had to fight to keep her claws in but didn't bother hiding her nervous posture.

  18. Imanu remained calm in the face of his leader's anger. "She may be strong, but that doesn't make a good lion. Khari, your father's pride followed him with loyalty because he was a good leader. He was thoughtful and kind, and listened to every lion who followed him. He valued every decision before making it. He earned loyalty, and you have yet to do so." He softened his tone. He didn't need to get angry at the younger lion. "Xena is one lioness, but she could be a spy for a pride who wants to take our territory. You never know, so you have to weigh the options carefully."

    Faraji looked down. He knew Leo made a good point, and didn't know how to argue against it to soothe the other lion that Khari knew what he was doing. Emotion was taking over rational thought. The Lord let out a deep breath. "Yes, I have seen. But... we must trust in him. We aren't the King, after all." He detected a scent. Sauda. He pricked his ears.

    Sauda heard rustling nearby, and seen detected the scents of Faraji and Leo. She perked up. Maybe they could help her take the carcass back.

  19. Leo blinked in disappointment but didnt argue. His ears pricked as well when he smelt the lioness

  20. Xena noticed her posture and her ears fell back. "You know. Im not a rouge." She said bluntly with a calm voice. Her amber eyes shifted over Amara.l slowly falling to the ground

  21. Khari looked at Imanu in disgust. "Im just like my father, just as good as a King! They should see that." He snapped, starting to pace. "And if there is another pride that wants to take over, let them come! We'll tear them apart." The young lion unsheathed and sheathed his claws. "We can't be cowards and be paranoid that Xena is a spy. That's ridiculous."

    Cayman shared a glance with Imanu. This wasn't going well. "Battle is a terrible thing. We don't want it to come to us. If Xena is a spy she would not only bring a dangerous threat here but that threat would know everything about us and our territory." He felt his stomach growing cold. "We'd be at a big disadvantage. These are the things you have to consider."

    Amara looked at her, flicking her tail tip. "Don't be offended when I say I don't believe you." Her tone was hostile.

  22. "Well how can I prove im not. My pride was killed and chased off." Her tone began changing to a defensive one. Her eyes shifted from place to place.

  23. Amara watched her carefully. "You can't." She said in a matter of fact tone. "Only time will tell, unfortunately." She stopped, her ears flattening and her voice a deep growl. "And trust me, if you are a rouge and do put this tribe in danger Ill shred your pelt and make you wish you never came here." The russet red lioness snapped, her fur bristling. Ill do anything to protect this pride

  24. "You qould be wise to not underestimate me, Im not a good enemy to have. I didnt came here to fight with a dimwitted lioness. Let alibe have this pride as my own or help someone take it. Keep moving." Her fur rose as the lioness became hostile. Xena pushed in front of her and ignored anything else she had to say.

  25. Imanu's ears perked up as emotions flared. He swallowed them down. Then he looked down. "Khari, our pride is weakened and small from the past. We aren't strong enough to fight back a threat such as another pride. Therefore, we have to be careful with any threat, let it be small or large."

    Sauda got up and trotted over to the two lions. "It's good running into you two. I came out to hunt, and I don't have the energy to bring the catch home. Could you help me?"

    Faraji flicked his tail. "Well, we were on patrol, but a good meal is necessary. Come on, Leo. Let's being the carcass back, then we can resume our patrol."

  26. Amara wanted more than anything to attack her. She felt anger stir in her claw tips and her jaw muscles tense. "Then why dont you just leave!" she spat, not moving. "Nobody wants you here. Only khari and only because he needs cubs. It has nothing to do with you or who you are. So just leave." Go back to your dead pride. We dont need you here.

    Cayman nodded in agreement with Imanu, holding back his frustration with the young king. If only his father was still around.

    Khari looked at the two of them the fur on his shoulders risen slightly. "I respect the both of you. But Xena stays." He was done arguing. The young lion hadnt seemed to have taken in anything they had said.

  27. Leo nodded happy to help and get his mind off of Khari."good plan." He walked towards the zebra and help drag it back.

  28. Xena growled with irritation,"you know what i don't need your help, you can go back to camp. otherwise shut up and keep moving you lizard heart!" she didn't stop moving barely caring for her making a scene.

  29. Amara didnt move, unsure what to do. Either way she didnt want to do what xena wanted her to do. "You dont tell me what to do!!" she snapped before storming off in the opposite direction. She was a fighter not a hunter, and only accompanied hunters on their hunts to protect them from aggresive prey or other lions. Whatever, she can get herself killed for all I care. Amara got back to camp to see her cubs missing from the safety of her den. A loud wail rose in her throat.

  30. ena looked over her shoulder to watch her go. "Dont tell me what to do." She said mocking the other lioness. She sighed and continued on. The pretty lioness scented the air her mouth slightly open to help get a better smell. Her eyes sharped to focus and well trained stealth. wildebeest... Xena crouched and began to walk closer to the smell.

  31. Faraji grabbed one of the zebra's legs and helped Leo drag it along.

    Sauda trotted next to them, pleased to have had help. She smelt something and stopped. It smelt familiar, like the smell of Amara's cubs. But that was impossible. Amara kept a close eye on them in the camp.
    "Is there something wrong, Sauda?" Faraji asked.
    Sauda looked at him and shook her head. "No. Nothing's wrong. I'm just a bit tired. Let's continue on."

    Imanu looked down. His temper cooled. "Yes, Khari. We respect your decision." He would try to respect it, at least. "Come, Caymann. You need to rest your leg."

  32. "Okay, you caught it. Now can we get back?" Masika looked at her sister, pacing nervously in the tall grass. They shouldnt have left camp. But Sekai would have left with or without her. I have to keep an eye on her.
    "Just wait a moment! If we caught one maybe we can catch one for you too!" Sekai held a soft bodied mouse between her paws. Her blue eyes were bright and she scented the air for more little prey.

    Amara searched the den frantically. "Masika?? Sekai??" She felt her heart pound in her chest as she panted with panic. This was Xena's fault. She lured her away from her cubs and now they were stolen. The russet red lioness pushed away the thought of her cubs hurt and captured some where. "Khari!!!"

    Cayman opened his mouth to protest, but nodded. He was turning away when he heard the lioness roar.

    Khari quickly hurried to where he heard his pride mate. "Amara? Whats the matter?!"

    She turned, her brown eyes frantic. "My cubs are gone!!"

  33. Imanu's ears pricked and his eyes widened. "The cubs are gone?! Cayman, go to the den. You can rest. We can handle finding the cubs." The old lion seemed to recover his youth in the seriousness of the situation. "Khari! Where should we look first?"

  34. Cayman wanted to help, but the pain in his leg caused him to walk back to the den in defeat. He worried about the two little cubs, growling in agitation at the thought of some lion harming them. What if Xena was the reason they were missing? He could see the lioness no where in camp.

    Khari sniffed around the den, picking up their milky scent. "This way!" He sped of nose to the ground as he followed the trail. "Don't worry Amara, we'll find them!"

    Amara watched them go, deciding to stay by the den in case her cubs came back. She paced back and forth worriedly. This must be Xenas doing.

  35. Xena smelt something other than the wildebeest. Amara's cubs. She stopped the hunt and went looking for them. She smelt the air and started to get a little closer.

  36. "Can we please go aren't finding anything." Masika paced around her sister, nipping at her scruff and attempting to pull her back.
    "Stop it!" Sekai lashed at her sister with a soft paw. "I know I can catch another one!!" The small spotted cub caught scent of something she had never smelled before. It was thick and musky. "Yuck! What is that??"
    Masika felt the fur along her spine raise. "We need to!"
    "No, we have to see what that is." Sekai crept forward on tiny paws, her little tail straight up.
    Masika followed, her sliver claws unsheathing and her eyes wide. "Sekai! That's enough, its my job to protect you!" The darker cub jumped in front of her sister, shoving her back. Sekai mewed in irritation.
    "Okay! Okay, just let me do this one thing...then we'll go. I swear." Her blue eyes sparked as she begged.
    Masika sighed heavily. "Promise?"
    "Promise." The two cubs padded toward the thick smell.

    Khari felt like he was getting closer to the cubs but their trail twisted and turned. They went through a mud patch and the scent vanished. "Jackal dung!" He roared, his ears flat. "This cubs clearly don't want to be found.."

  37. Xena trotted along the cubs scent trail. Quickly following them up to a mud patch where the trail eneded. The golden lioness found herself running into Khari, "Hey!" Her gaze lifted to the bigger lion her pelt burnt with embarrassment. "H-hey..Khari im sorry I should have been watching where I was going.." Xena's amber eyes fluttered around awkwardly looking for something to look at.

  38. Khari's lip curled at first, his ears flattening, then his face softened. "Its okay." He spoke smoothly. "We're looking for Amara's cubs. They've gone missing." He looked at her carefully, the elders' warning ringing in his head. Is she a threat? He felt his pelt burn with worry for the little ones.

    Sekai padded forward with narrowed eyes. The musky scent grew stronger and stronger, filling her nostrils and making her dizzy. "That's so gross..." She imagined a big fat mouse with thick, oily fur.
    Masika stood close to her sister's side, their pelts brushing. "I still don't think this is a good idea..." Her eyes scanned the brush ahead, picking up movement. Something big. "Sekai!"
    Sekai saw it too. "Okay! Let's get out of here!" The two turned tail to run, too late.
    A snarling creature burst out of the brush, its sharp teething flashing and brown fur bristling. It snapped its jaws at Masika, slicing her hind leg as it slightly missed its mark.
    "Masika!!" Sekai raced for her sister.
    "S-stay back! Just go!" Masika's eyes lit up with pain. Her words didn't stop her sister. The small cub came barreling to protect Masika from the snarling beast that was about to take another blow. "Sekai, no!" The animal turned its attention to the spotted cub, swiping her aside with a paw. She tumbled aside, her soft fur tearing. Masika watched in terror as the creature bit her sister's scruff and shook her from side to side violently. She stood on shaky legs, her heart thundering and throat burning. Its my job to protect her! The bigger cub raced forward, throwing her tiny claws at the creatures leg and biting down hard. It howled in pain, dropping Sekai.

    Khari's ears pricked at the sound. His heart skipped a beat. "Hyena, the cubs!!" The young lion bolted towards the sound, his muscles pumping and claws extended. He let out a fierce roar.

  39. Leo dropped the animal and fleed to the way the sound was coming from. Leaving them there alone.

  40. Xena was about to say what she was going, but she was cut off from the terrible shriek. The golden lioness was hot on his tail her emotions were absent to what was going on, but in the inside worry filled her chest. As she ran toned muscles flexing under sleek coat, her claws tore up the ground.

  41. Imanu ran after Khari, panic rising in his chest. Hyenas have always been a threat to lion cubs, jealously tearing the small creatures to shreds if they wandered too far away from their parents.

    Sauda flicked her ears and glanced at Faraji. The two lions ran after Leo, both curious to why he would run off like that.

  42. The hyena glared down at the cub clinging to its leg, its dark eyes flashing with hate. Masika met its eyes with fear, still biting and clawing with all the strength her little body had. Her leg stung and she began to feel dizzy as blood drained to the ground. Its okay if I die, she thought. At least my sister will be safe.
    Sekai was in front of the creature, laying motionless on her side. The only movement from the young cub was tiny, panicked breaths and her blue eyes watching in horror. She wanted to move, but her body refused.

    Khari scanned the tall grass as the sound stopped. He knew he was close, he could smell it. The tang blood mixed with musky fur. His heart thudded in his chest. As more lions showed up behind him, he located the creature and raced forward. The feeling of nearly the whole pride behind him made his heart soar.

    The hyena saw the snarling lions coming and yelped in surprise. It shook Masika off its leg and began bolting back to its clan. Khari gave chase.

  43. Xena was running side by side Khari but stopped when they reached the cubs she picked up Sekai with gentle jaws, "Leo get Masika!" Xena said through blood soaked fur.

  44. Leo nodded looking down at the bloody cub. He licked her and mumbled, "you're gonna be okay.." the white lion picked up Masika and began walking back to camp next to Xena. She couldnt have done this is she was running with us already..

  45. Sauda and Faraji arrived at the right moment to see the cubs, both bloody and weak, carried by Xena and Leo. Sauda watched Xena with flattened ears, while Faraji seemed to be watching closely. He padded to Khari and asked, "What happened?"

    Imanu, now relieved that the hyena was gone and the cubs back, made his way to Xena and Leo. Hardly anyone in the pride was experienced with healing injuries. He fought to remember past battles, when his injuries were being tended to. He seemed to forget who Xena was, urgent to care for the cubs. "We need to get cobwebs, those will stop the bleeding I am sure. Those can be found in bushes." What else? "We'll need to tend to the wounds so they won't get infected. Once we get back to camp, Leo you should stay with the cubs, and Xena... since you travelled on your own for some time, you will come with me to find the herb I'm thinking about. I don't know what it is called, but I remember what it smells like."

  46. Khari watched the hyena run of in the distance. He would have killed it if he had been able to run any longer, but his side's heaved as he panted hard. "Hyena attack... Amara's cubs are badly hurt." He worried for his little sister's family, his stomach cold.

    Masika writhed in the jaws of Leo to look at her sister, who hung limply in Xena's jaws. "Sekai!!" She wailed, her voice filled with fear and panic. Her brown eyes stared for any sign of life, the world around her numb.

    Sekai drifted in and out of consciousness, her breath coming in quick. She caught glimpses of Masika, the brown cub's mouth moving but no sound reached Sekai's ears. I'm gonna make it... For her, for her.

  47. Leo nodded at Imanu's orders. He looked at Xena and saw her gentle touch to Sekai. When they got back to camp he fohnd Amara and set down Masika and slowly began to clean her.

  48. Faraji nodded understandingly. "I thought we had chased out the remaining hyenas when we had expanding the territory. We may have to consider scouting again, in case they decided to return." He noticed Khari's silence, and the worry in his eyes. That's when it occurred to him that Amara was his sister. "Don't worry, Khari. We won't let them go that easily."

    Imanu nodded in approval. "Good idea, Leo. Clean them up. Come on, Xena. We have herb collecting to do."

    Sauda raced into camp and saw the two cubs. Masika was wailing Sekai's name, and commanding her to open her eyes and speak. Sauda's ears flattened. Just earlier today the two cubs were playing so peacefully. She took Leo's lead and settled next to Sekai, gently rasping her tongue over the bloody and weak cub. She willed the small creature to stay alive until help arrived.

  49. Xena set the little one down gently and nodded quietly following the older lion. "So cobwebs, and some that you remember smelling. Right?"she said worried for the little ones they may not be hers but in a pribe everyone is family to her.

  50. Imanu nodded. "Yes. I'll let you collect the cobwebs. Make sure that they don't break, and we'll need as much as we can find to patch both of them up." He sniffed around the area, trying to find the sweet smell that he recalled from so long ago.

  51. She dashed off and went to find the item. She scanned bushes for the silky webs and carefully grabbed them. Spiders wrrent her greatest thing but the cubs were in need to ignored the one crawling up her leg.

  52. Masika was numb to Leo lapping at her scarlet soaked pelt. All she could think about was her sister. I should have never let her gone. I should have said no. This is all my fault. All my fault. It was my job to protect her! The brown cub was slowly falling unconscious, but looked at her mother who was pacing back and forth in a frantic panic. Guilt swept over Masika, her deep brown eyes turning back to her sister. My fault, my fault, my fault...

    Sekai's breath came in quick, but her blue eyes had closed. She lay still as Sauda licked over her light spotted pelt. In the blackness of an unconscious awakeness she willed herself on, Make it for her, stay alive for her!

    Amara was growling and roaring in despair. Were her cubs going to die? She would go from Masika and help Leo groom her and try to stop the bleeding, then move to her other daughter and do the same. "Hyenas?! I can't believe their back...We chased them out..we..." The russet red lioness mumbled to herself. "I shouldn't have left to go hunting. I should have been watching them. What was I thinking?"

    Khari looked at Faraji, his ears flattened in worry. "Thank you." He said softly, trying not to wail like a pathetic cub. "You're right, the hyenas must be back. We'll have to watch out for them from now on. Scouting is a good idea. You and I will go." He sheathed and unsheathed his claws. "Leo will stay to defend the lionesses and cubs."

  53. Cayman heard the commotion outside. He limped out as quickly as his leg would allow, the scent of blood and distress catching his nose. "The cubs!" He saw the two being cared for and their distraught mother. "Amara, Amara!" He pulled her aside, coaxing the Queen. "Your cubs are going to be fine, okay? You need to be strong for them. You need to calm down." He gave her a reassuring lick between the ears. He'd known the red lioness since she was a cub. It was terrible to see her this way.

    Amara looked at Cayman with wide, worried eyes. "They're going to be okay? They really are?" She trusted the older lion, nuzzling into his thick mane and wailing quietly to herself. He was right. She wasn't helping anyone with her panic.

  54. Imanu trusted Xena to find the cobwebs and return with them. He saw how concerned she was for the cubs. He started to doubt his own doubts. Perhaps Xena wasn't a spy from another tribe, perhaps she was a loner who just wanted somewhere to live. He pushed those thoughts from his mind This was an urgent time. He had to find those herbs. He sniffed at the ground, sneezing a few times as grass tickled his nose. His heart raced as he caught the scent of the familiar sweet smell. He raced in the direction, and soon found a few tufts of a green plant, smelling sickly sweet. He picked them carefully and raced to meet up with Xena where they separated.

    Farai nodded. "I know you'll want to get back at them for what they've done to the cubs." He turned, allowing his leader to lead the way through the territory. Faraji's nose wrinkled at the thought of having to follow the disgusting smell of hyenas.

    Sauda closed her eyes tightly for a moment and whispered, "Come on Sekai... Imanu will be back soon... hold on, dear.." She licked gently, but with urgency. She needed to help Sekai stay alive as much as she could.

  55. Xena trotted back the cobwebs dangled from her mouth. "Okay let's go!"she grunted to the other lion. No time was to be wasted si she quickly making her way back to camp with Imanu. Her eyes on the cubs, Xena set down the soft material. I did this..I lead their mother away from them...i should have known better...Fool!

  56. Leo looked at Amara with worry full eyes,"come on Masika...the only way you can help your sister is to stay calm and dont fall alseep. Look at me. keep your eyes on me.." he said in between licks. his blue eyes meet hers only a few times.

  57. Amara felt a small amount of relief when Imanu and Xena returned with the herbs. "You can save them, you can save them right?!" She roared to Imanu, eyes full or worry.

    Cayman watched his friend with hopeful eyes. He knew Imanu was the only cat in the pride with enough knowledge of herbs. If anyone was going to save them it would be him.

    Khari padded back with Faraji, his thoughts swirling with anger and worry. When they got back to camp, all he could do was watch as the kits were tended to. He padded over to his sister and licked her shoulder softly. Amara seemed to hardly feel it.

    Masika's eyes fought to stay open, rolling back a few times. She used all her strength to stay awake. "Sekai...sekai stay with me.." She mumbled, groggily looking over at the light cub.

    Sekai's eyes fluttered but didnt open.

  58. Xena looked at Khari them Amara with sorrow. "Im so sorry..", she said quietly to herself hoping they could hear.

  59. Imanu regarded Amara with a nod. "I will trymy best." He settled his old body near the cubs and began to chew up the sweet plant. He was about to apply it onto Sekai's wounds when he noticed she was still.
    "Oh, great heavens..."
    He nuzzled the small body, searching for even the smallest sign of life. He began to lick the wounds, applying the herb. "Xena, quick... Press the webs onto the worst of the wounds. Every small bit will help."

    Sauda watched nervously. She felt protective over the cubs, for she knew them since they were born. She prayed Sekai could be saved.

    Faraji settled next to Khari and watched with worried eyes. "Khari, they're strong... Believe in them."

  60. Xena nodded and did so quietly, she hasnt said much since they got back. Her eyes looked down at the kit concerned. come can make it...

  61. Leo blinked with alert eyes. "Sekai hold on to our voices stay with us. You're stronger than this!" He growled deepy to the cub.

  62. Masika came to the realization her sister was slipping away. She sat up, though her head pounded and crawled weakly to Sekai. She touched her nose to the light fur on top her head. "I need you to make it for me, okay? I can't...I won't live without you, Sekai." She began to wail again, partly from pain in her leg and her breaking heart.

    Sekai stirred, wincing in pain with the movement. Her blue eyes fluttered open and she let out a little sound.

    "Sekai!" Hope flared in Masika's chest.

    Amara watched growing hope. The bleeding had stopped on both cubs and their status seemed to stabalize. "Shh shh." She rushed forward quieting her cubs. "You're both going to be okay."

    Khari felt relief wash over him. He looked around at his pride thankfully.

    Cayman nudged the king. "Your family line has always been strong." He remembered when Khari and Amara were nearly killed by a cape buffalo as young cubs.

    (This was intense!)

  63. (It certainly was!)

    Imanu let out a deep breath of relief. At least he could save the young cub. He got up on shaking, tired legs, and allowed Amara to be with her cubs. He plodded over to Caymann and sat down. "Oof... I'm getting too old for this." He shook his mane and regarded Khari. "They're strong just like their grandfather."

    Faraji purred once the cubs showed signs of improvement. The pride seemed to be at ease for the moment, but he knew work had to be done. "Xena," he called to the lioness. She was a new, and the only, Elite of the pride. It was time she filled her duties. "Could you take Leo and patrol the east half of the territory? We have some hyenas we need to chase out."

  64. (My goodness...that was a twist for sure!!)

    Leo looked to Xena and then to the Lord, nodded getting up and walking to the golden lioness.

  65. The lioness nodded and padded out of camp quickly with the white lion. Smelling for anymore hyenas.

  66. (Gosh.. prim I thought the worst and I..just omg...that was...spiced up a bit)

  67. (haha I didn't want to let her die. It was too sad)

    Amara carried her cubs one by one gently to the warmth of her den. She was careful to pick them up and sent them down with the utmost care. The red lioness looked back at her clan mates and purred softly to them, appreciating all their help. She was so glad Imanu could save the cubs and glad Xena helped collect herbs and glad everyone was willing to chase off the hyenas. She forgot about the tension of earlier about Xena's arrival and acceptance. Curling up with her cubs, Amara gently licked their heads love bright in her deep brown eyes.

    Masika felt her mother and sister close, their pelts pressed together. Her leg throbbed with pain and her head was dizzy, but she knew she was going to be okay. The little brown lioness opened her eyes enough to see Sekai curled next to her. Her breath was even now and the little cub had stopped bleeding. She smelt of herbs and sweet grass. Thank the heavens she's okay... Masika curled closer to her sister, drifting into sleep.

    Sekai felt her body sting and pulse with pain. Her head felt heavy and her skin crawled with a burning persistence. The herbs Imanu smeared on her wounds seemed to be setting in and she could breath steadily and rest without the feeling of slipping away. The light speckled lioness cub felt Masika press closer to her. "Thanks for protecting me..." She muttered to the bigger cub weakly.

    Masika peeked open an eye at her sister's soft mew. She purred, "Always."

    Cayman nudged his old friend. "You did good, for an old timer." He chuckled, relief filling him as he saw the cubs with their mother. "They are strong. Thank the heavens."

    Khari looked to Faraji. "We'll leave immediately." He growled after the Lord gave orders to the two lions. "No time to waste."

  68. Xena's ears flicked to Khari unsure if she should wait for him but figured hes smart enough to know what to do.

  69. Imanu nodded. "It has been such a while since I had to treat a wound..." He purred as he saw the cubs nuzzling together sleepily. "They are strong. I am pleased I could save them. One day, they will be good lionesses."

    Faraji nodded to Khari. "Right. We will go to the west. Roar if you need us. How does that sound, Khari?"

  70. "You and I to the west, Xena and Leo to the east." He nodded, "Sounds like we will cover everything." Khari looked to Xena and nodded for her and the white lion to go. He then turned with Faraji and headed out. "I can't believe they have the nerve to come back after the fight we had with them." His claws sheathed and unsheathed.

    Cayman nodded in agreement, flexing his crippled shoulder. "I agree! We'll have to watch out for hyenas now. Hopefully the camp is far enough away from where they are."

  71. Xena nodded, "come on Leo.."she said with a soft voice. The gokden lioness turned back around as she trotted out of camp. this is gonna be awkward... she looked over at the white lion wanting to complement his strength with the cubs but just stayed quiet.

  72. Leo followed the lioness and realized he was wrong about Xena. "Good job Xena.." he said awkwardly not looking at her. he hated being wrong but had to deal with his mistakes.

  73. Imanu snorted. "If they dare come into our camp, I'll shred up their snouts and tear out their teeth. Those disgusting fiends won't take my pride from me."

    Faraji trotted close at Khari's side. "They must think we're stupid," he growled. "Once we're done with them now, they won't ever dare to come back."

  74. " too.." her eyes dodnt leave point view. The stench of hyena reached her nose as they continued, "blah..could they smell any worse?" Her nose krinkled as she spoke.

  75. "Its possible but we wouldnt want that.."he joked as his pretty blue eyes scanned the horizon for movement.

  76. Cayman's lips curled just thinking about it. "Id be right there with you." He unsheathed his claws, growling lightly. "Hopefully the patrols can chase them out so they don't make it to camp. They were pretty close."

    Khari nodded, his claws sheathing and unsheathing as he walked. "They made a huge mistake attacking my kin." He snarled, his ears flat. His nose twitched as he searched for the scent. It was faint, but he caught it. "This way." He directed the Lord, picking up his pace but being careful to be quiet.

    Amara drifted to sleep with her cubs curled against her belly. The family of three slept soundly.

  77. Imanu nodded. "I trust them to get rid of the pests." He lashed his tail. "Khari and Faraji are strong, noble lions. As with Leo. Xena may be new, but after the recent scene, I believe she can prove loyal to the pride."

    Faraji detected the scent shortly after Khari mentioned it. He growled softly, feeling an overwhelming protectiveness over the cubs. He followed the king's example, his pace brisk but light. He was on alert for any signs of hyenas close by.

  78. Xena charged letting a territorial roar as she spotted three hyenas marking the area as if their own. The hyenas reacted with their warning calls, while stubbornly standing their ground. As Xena came closer she went to tackle one but it dodged with a laugh. It nipped at her with sharp teeth, but as it went for another she batted its head with a powerful paw.

  79. Leo followed closely in hot pursuit he used his weight to tackle the other two hyenas. Sharp teeth bit through his tough skin. His white fur now a scarlet red. He took a few good blows to fight them which worked when he swiped one off its feet causing it to twist is hind leg as it landed harshly.

  80. As Khari padded up over a slop, putting himself close to the ground in the tall grass, he was shocked by what he found. On the other side, the ground slipping down into a shallow valley, was a hyena camp. Some sat gnawing on bones while pups pranced around playfully and others slept in groups slumped together. The King was astonished by the numbers. His breathing was rough. "Faraji...There's too many of them."

  81. Cayman nodded. "She does seem loyal. At least at the moment. We'll have to keep an eye on her still." He sighed, feeling bad about their talk with Khari earlier in the day.

  82. The three looked at one another and charged off,"we have to follow them!" Xena said with little time to waste. despite the hyenas injured leg it still ran fast. as the two ran after the group they came to Khari and faraji's view.

  83. Faraji looked over Khari's shoulder, seeing the camp. Dread ate at his heart. In patrols of two or three, they were simple, cowardly opponents. A whole pack of them however, was a different story. He whispered to the king, "We have to leave quietly, before they notice us. We need to be careful to not lead them to our camp."

    Imanu noticed his friend's slump. "Now, now, Cayman. We didn't do anything wrong. We were just worried for our pride's safety. We didn't know that she would actually jump to aid us in a desperate time."

  84. Khari nodded, agreeing with Faraji. They couldn't take on all these hyenas at once. That was suicide. He suddenly heard shuffling paws behind them. Xena and Leo were chasing a stray hyena that seemed to be heading for the camp the two lions had just found. Khari looked at his Lord with urgency. "We can't let that hyena get to the others, it will warn them of our presence!" He began to stalk towards where it was heading as the other two chased it. "We have to cut it off as quietly as we can."

  85. Cayman nodded. "Yes, that is true. I just hope this doesn't reflect badly on us." He didn't want to lose Khari's trust in them. They had to be strong as a unit.

  86. Faraji glared in the direction of the hyena. "Agreed." He watched the hyena's path. "Go over to that boulder over there. I'll go to that bush just a few tails from it. If we stay hidden, it'll run right into our paws and we can kill it."

    Cayman agreed. "Yes, I hope that Khari won't be harsh on us. We were only worried for our pride's safety. I don't want to lose it, after it has been weakened so much."

  87. Khari went to the boulder, no time to argue over a plan. He kept low to the ground, not wanting to change the hyenas course. He prayed Xena and Leo would chase it right to them. His claws unsheathed and his lip curled as he nodded at Faraji and waited.

    The big dark lion shook out his mane, seeing the sky begin to darken. "Indeed." He closed his eyes for a moment, his heart sinking at dark memories. "Things will brighten up. As soon as we get rid of this hyena problem." Cayman looked out at the plains, his deep eyes filled with concern. "They've been out for awhile now.."

  88. Leo noticed the movement, and recognized the pelt to be Faraji's. His blue eyes frantically scanned the area for Khari, but unable to find him, he looked to Xena then nodded towards Faraji,"look for Khari, and chase the hyenas towards them!"his breath almost taken as he tried to growl it quietly to the golden lioness.
